Causes & Symptoms

Abdominal wall hernias may result from:

  • Prior surgeries. An estimated 15-20 percent of incisions may not heal properly at the muscular level and hernias may form as a result.
  • Trauma. Heavy lifting, injury, or a penetrating wound can cause hernias.
  • Genetics. In many cases people may be born with a congenital hernia. Most commonly, an umbilical hernia may form at the site of the belly button due to failure of the abdominal wall to close after the umbilical cord has fallen off.

Several factors can cause hernias to worsen or grow in size. These include anything that increases intra-abdominal pressure, such as heavy lifting, coughing, obesity, chronic constipation, or straining with bowel movements.

The most obvious symptom of an abdominal wall hernia is an abdominal bulge. Other symptoms may include:

  • Pain (very common)
  • Nausea
  • Hearing or seeing Intestinal movements within the bulge
  • Cramping and/or a bloating sensation

Learn more about​ hernia diagnosis and treatment​ ​by selecting from the options below. Or schedule your appointment today and talk to an expert.